Sleep apnea is more common than cancer, and is a serious risk for developing ADHD, depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Getting a good night sleep might be the most important thing anyone can do for their health.
At Verve, Dr Major offers customized dental appliances and orthodontic solutions to help with sleep apnea and airway problems. Let us help you achieve a more restful night’s sleep and a healthier life.
Sleep Disordered Breathing is the struggle to breath properly during sleep. It includes a range of conditions from mouth breathing and snoring, to upper airway resistance syndrome to obstructive sleep apnea. At the core there are two problems:
Interrupted Sleep - so that a good night's sleep never happens
Inadequate Oxygen - when the body is unable to breath (i.e. apnea), is starved of oxygen and causes tissue damage
Sleep apnea is a serious and shockingly common medical problem that has drastic effects on overall health.
Beyond the inconvenience of always feeling tired, the fragmented sleep and deprived oxygen has serious health consequences such as:
Delayed growth
Inhibited healing
Anxiety, ADHD, Depression
High blood pressure
Weight gain
Altered jaw growth
Sleep apnea is a serious disease that should not be ignored. If someone you love snores and has these health issues, they need a proper assessment. Their health depends on it.
No two people are exactly alike. But there are common symptoms of sleep apnea that can be easily observed, such as
Gasping for breath while asleep
Daytime sleepiness
Attention deficit disorders
Tooth grinding
Inability to breath through the nose
Dental crowding
Jaw alignment
The more risk factors that are present, the more likely someone is to have a sleep problem.
There are three broad categories of manageable risk for sleep apnea. Each category contributes to the development of a serious health problem, and each has targeted therapy opportunities.
Craniofacial: small jaws, a narrow palate, deviated septum, or dental crowding
Inflammatory: asthma, allergies, swollen tonsils, acid reflux, or obesity
Lifestyle: diet, inactivity, excess screen time, indoor pets, poor sleep routine
Sleep apnea is a complex disease, and requires a team of doctors. Often Pulmonologists, ENTs, and orthodontists must work together.
As an orthodontist Dr Major may help airway and sleep disorders by correcting problems related to the teeth and jaws - which provide structural support to the airway.
Problems such as crowding, narrow jaws, or small jaws can be greatly improved with expanders or jaw growth appliances. These appliances are most effective while a child is growing, so a child should be seen when they are young for the best outcomes.
Adults also require multi-disciplinary care. Which is why Dr Major always works with a team of physicians.
CPAP is the gold standard for managing sleep apnea in adults, and should always be considered.
But oral appliances are also a highly effective alternative for many patients. These devices are designed to hold the lower jaw forward, which prevents the airway in the throat from collapsing and obstructing during sleep.