Yes. Orthodontics is a very important part of oral health and dental function. From preventing cavities, to maintaining healthy gums, to optimum TMJ (jaw joint) function, to airway and sleep apnea, orthodontics has important roles in your health.
Both. What functions best also happens to look best. There’s a lot of scientific research that says what is healthy is what looks attractive and beautiful. That means there’s no such thing as “just esthetics” because the optimum function is the best looking.
And that doesn’t even consider the self-confidence boost that many people experience when they have a smile they feel proud to show off.
No. Placing braces does NOT hurt. No needles. No drills.
Expect braces to feel weird and uncomfortable for the first few days. Both after they’re placed and after adjustments. They feel weird and uncomfortable as your mouth adjusts to the gentle pressure from the braces, appliances, or invisalign trays
It depends on what you and Dr Major are working on. Braces or invisalign appointments can range from every 4 weeks to every 10 weeks. Because Dr Major knows your life is busy and mid-day appointments can be disruptive, he’ll only schedule appointments when it’s necessary.
Typically braces and invisalign take 1.5 to 2.5 years, but can range from as short as 6 months to as long as 3 years. Each person’s treatment length depends on the uniqueness of his or her situation. The more complicated the treatment, the longer it takes. The simpler the treatment, the faster it goes.
There’s a very good chance the answer is yes. Invisalign technology has progressed tremendously over the last 5–10 years. There are a small number of situations that really do need braces. But for the majority of people both traditional braces and invisalign are equally effective when an orthodontic specialist, such as Dr Major, is treating you.
There are four important things you can do to keep treatment moving as fast as possible:
1. Keep excellent oral hygiene. Brush. Floss. Regular visits to your dentist.
2. Wear your appliances — whether It’s invisalign or interceptive appliances… if you don’t wear it, your teeth don’t move. Simple enough don’t you think?
3. Follow instructions. Whether it’s elastics or avoiding certain foods, Dr Major will tell you exactly what you need to know to keep moving forward.
4. Attend your appointments. Skipping appointments delays treatment.
This is probably the most common question. It’s also the most challenging to answer because it depends on the uniqueness of your situation. In general, if you need more complex treatment it’ll take longer and requires greater investment. So it’s impossible to say for certain until you meet Dr Major for a consult.
Think about it this way: you’d never walk into a store and buy a pair of shoes without trying them on. In the same way, it’s impossible to know the uniqueness of your situation until you meet Dr Major. The only way to know for sure is to schedule an assessment with Dr Major.
Yes. Absolutely we have payment plans! Dr Major knows braces aren’t cheep — and thank God, because we all know you get what you pay for. It’s very important to us to help make braces or invisalign fit into your budget. Money shouldn’t be what gets between you and your smile. That’s why we’re proud to offer 0% interest monthly payment options. The exact details of how this works depends on each person’s unique situation. So visit Dr Major for a consult to learn more!
Verve is happy to offer our families the option to direct bill their insurance benefits, making the orthodontic process more affordable for you!
150 Bellerose Drive, Suite 209, St. Albert, AB T8N 8N8
PH 587-805-3484 • FAX (780) 458-3785 • Email:
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